1. Help Center
  2. Payment
  3. Qualifying for Payment Terms

How to apply for payment terms?

We offer Net30 terms to select clients. In order to qualify please complete the steps below.

After your first sale is complete you may apply for credit or payment terms. Finesse Decor offers partners the possibility of Net30 terms on all orders after the first one.

In order to qualify please follow the steps below:

1. You must fill out an application. To do so, click here.

Please make sure that you fill in all the information requested. If the application is submitted with missing fields we will have to decline it and the application process needs to start again.

2. Add a payment method to your online account

Please make sure you have an account at www.finessedecor.com and make sure that you have a credit card in your wallet. This will be the account that gets automatically charged when your Net30 terms are due.

Once your application is approved, and we have the payment details you will be all set to start receiving Net30 Terms.


Do you have more questions regarding this topic?

Click the "contact us" button at the bottom of the page and submit a ticket. Our team will reach out to you shortly with answers to your questions.